Integrations in Livestorm

You can add many different integrations in Livestorm according to your needs thanks to our Apps marketplace. In this article, we'll cover the basics of the different product integrations we provide and what integrations you can find in the room.


Product Integrations

We have 3 different types of product integrations and you can enable as many as you need:

To view all the integrations that are available and to set up one:

Go to the Apps marketplace.

Click on the card of the integration you want to set up.
Follow the steps on the side pane that will open on the right.
You can also open the Help Center article by clicking on Guide.
Go back to the Apps marketplace menu.
Check if the status is Enabled (green) / Disabled (grey) on the integration card.

The Enabled / Disabled status will only be displayed for native integrations.

Native Integrations

Native integrations — either built by Livestorm or by partners — enrich Livestorm’s value proposal by providing smart connections with relevant software in the industry. 

Whether it’s with CRMs, marketing automation tools, sales intelligence apps or even documents sharing platforms, native integrations make it possible to connect various data sources and destinations to Livestorm with just a few clicks.

We have a dedicated article for each native integration. You can click on each card and then click on Guide to learn more about the integration itself.

You can also go to our Integrations Help Center Menu where you will find all the necessary information about the integrations we're providing: Slack, Google Analytics, Intercom, Hubspot, Custom code, Pipedrive, Drift & Help Scout.

Automation Platforms

You might want to use automation platforms like Zapier, Integromat & Integrately that let you connect Livestorm to thousands of other web services.

You can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible. You can read more about Zapier & Livestorm in our dedicated article.

Livestorm's API & Webhooks

Livestorm's API

Livestorm's API lets you be autonomous in building your own integrations with other services. It enables countless automation scenarios with internal systems, back-offices, and 3rd-party applications. 

You can find all the necessary information about our API on the Livestorm Developer's hub.

Here are a few examples of what you can do with our API:

  • Invite registrants from a landing page/form
  • Automatically invite contacts from a spreadsheet
  • Send attendance information and engagement data to a BI tool
  • Send attendees’ info to a CRM and qualify/nurture them
  • Add contacts engagement data to Intercom
  • And more....!


As opposed to the API, which need to be called at a given moment to retrieve or create/update data, webhooks fire events as they happen.

Many different automation scenarios can be done thanks to webhooks and here are some examples:

  • Automatically add new registrants to a Google Sheet
  • Send a Slack notification after an event ends
  • Send the recording of an event to people who couldn’t attend
  • Run lead-qualification algorithms for people who attended
  • Start an automation workflow in a marketing or sales intel software
  • And more....!

Room Integrations

Once in your event room, we provide you with 2 types of room integrations depending on if you want to:

  • Share content or
  • Work collaboratively on a file

To share content, you have several options:

  1. Share your screen
  2. Share a presentation (PDF)
  3. Share a video (MP4)
  4. Send a call to action

To work collaboratively, you can:

  1. Share a Google file
  2. Share a Figma file
  3. Share a Miro whiteboard

Now that you know everything about our integrations, you can start setting them up and use the ones in your event room!

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.