Connect Drift & Livestorm

Drift is a live messaging app that enables you to reach your customers in the right place at exactly the right time. If you talked to the Livestorm team via our chat then you have already used Drift.

Why Connect Livestorm and Drift?

By connecting Livestorm and Drift together, you can add your Drift tag to the Livestorm registration pages, company page, and your on-demand webinar rooms. This is useful if you want to reach out to visitors on those specific platforms with your own live chat. You can talk via the Drift app (or Slack) with prospects not only on your website but also on Livestorm registration pages. This is useful if they have questions about your webinar, your company, or just need some help. It has shown a significant impact on the registration conversion rate.  

How Does It Work?

Grab your Drift tag from your integrations panel:

Now you can go to your Livestorm account. Go to Settings > Integrations > Drift

Just paste your tag in the form. Choose if you want to add the tag on your registration page, company page or your on-demand webinar rooms. You can even tell Livestorm if you want to have it automatically set up for each new webinar you create:

Import note: integrations you set up will be disabled by default for your previously created webinars. If you want to enable the integration for a previous webinar, just go to the webinar settings page and you'll be able to enable it under the Integrations part.

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.