Host Private and/or Paid Events

There are several ways to host private or paid events. In this article, we will explain all the possibilities that are available to you.


If you don't want your registration page to appear on Search Engines, you need to add custom code to the page and use a "noindex" meta tag (Workspace Settings > Integrations > Custom code).

Please read our full article on how to Add Custom Code to Livestorm Pages in order to do that.

  • Prevent your registration page from appearing on Google Search

You need to add this meta tag to your page:

<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">
  • Prevent your registration page from appearing on most Search Engines

You need to add this meta tag to your page:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

Disable Your Registration Page

If you want to disable the registration page so that your event is not open to the public, you need to go to your Registration settings. You'll have the option to disable the registration page.

Your landing page will be disabled and access to the registration page will be greyed out. Your event is now in "private mode".

👉 By doing this, nobody will be able to use the registration page to register for your event. You need another way to capture registrations.

Make sure to also adjust the event access settings for everyone outside the workspace to No Access. Otherwise, users will still be able to register for the event through the lobby.

Use Zapier to Host Private and/or Paid Events

To host private and/or paid events, you can use Zapier to control who is registering for your events.

Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect web apps together. An integration between two apps is called a Zap. A Zap is made up of a Trigger and an Action. Whenever the trigger happens in one app, Zapier will automatically perform the action in another app.

🚨GDPR compliance

If you choose to opt for Zapier, please make sure to collect consent from your registrants to use their data. This is required if you won't be using our registration page/widget.

When collecting consent please don't forget to store the time, IP address and the exact text of the consent for future references. 

Here's the consent your registrants have to give in order to register for your event on Livestorm :

" I agree to Livestorm's Terms of Service and the use of personal data as explained in Livestorm's Privacy Policy "

Register Your Participants Manually

You can also register your participants yourself to your event if you need it without sharing your registration page. 

There are 2 ways to register someone manually for your event.

  • From a specific session of your event:

Thanks to Zapier, you can use over 750 apps as registration sources for Livestorm, sources that you can control and filter to make sure only certain people access the event room. 

Here are a few useful ones:

We highly recommend you read this post to learn how to capture registrations using your own landing pages. If you are using Hubspot, Instapage or something similar it is a must-read.

Sometimes you may want to charge for registrations. While we don't have a direct way to do this in Livestorm, you can achieve that by turning off registrations and using another app.

To organize paying events you can use:

  • Stripe
  • Typeform
  • Eventbrite
  • Any payment processor that integrates with Zapier.

Also, if you have multiple payment sources make sure to add a filter step in Zapier to only send specific customers (e.g the ones who paid for the event, not something else) to Livestorm.

  • Stripe Example

Stripe is perhaps the most direct way to capture payments for registrations. They also provide a simple iframe to make the payment form pop on your website.

In Zapier, you will need to set up the first step to capture each new charge in Stripe:

Then you can pass the data from that new customer to Livestorm to create a new registration:

Note: since Stripe only sends the full name (not the first name and last name separately), you must add a step between the two in Zapier to get the first name and last name:

  • Typeform example

Typeform has a nice integration with Stripe (a payment processor) that you can leverage to capture payment easily on your website. First, create a form with Stripe inside (you can also follow this: Typeform tutorial):

Now, go over to Zapier and create this Zap. Basically, in the first step, you can capture the form submissions (payment has been made) and then, in the second step, you send the data over to Livestorm to create a new registration:

Once it's done, you can host that Typeform directly on your website or in a popup thanks to their awesome iframe integration

  • Eventbrite Example

Zapier will help you use Eventbrite as your main channel to sell tickets and create registrations automatically into Livestorm. Here's a quick screencast on how to achieve this. 

  • Picatic Example

Just like Evenbrite, Picatic is an event registration software that creates beautiful landing pages for your events. You can use Picatic's Zapier integration to collect payments, and create registrations on Livestorm. You can create registrants on Livestorm each time you have a new attendee in Picatic. All you have to do is choose the "New attendee" trigger for Livestorm.

After you set up Picatic, you can set up your registrant profile for Livestorm. Remember we need the first name, last name and the email to create a registration in Livestorm. That's it!

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.