Map Fields Between Livestorm & Salesforce

Who can use this feature?Who can use it? Admin, Workspace Owner

Which Pricing Plan?On which plans? Enterprise 



The Salesforce Fields Mapping feature allows you to map Livestorm people attributes to your Salesforce Leads/Contacts & Campaign Members fields. Using this feature, you can push standard and custom people attributes from Livestorm to Lead/Campaign Member fields in Salesforce. For more information about custom people attributes and how to create them, please refer to this article.

Make sure first your event registration page is set up to collect the Livestorm attributes mapped to Salesforce Leads or Campaign Members. If you aren’t collecting registrant data properly for your mapped attributes, no data coming from registrants will be sent to Salesforce.

Default Mapping

Once you have enabled the Salesforce integration on your workspace, we apply a default synchronization between Livestorm standard attributes and standard Salesforce fields, called default mapping.

The default mapping concerns 3 levels in Salesforce: the Lead (and Contact) fields and the Campaign Member fields. On the Livestorm side this default mapping only concerns the registration attributes. To map attendance or engagement data, please proceed to the Campaign Member field mapping section.

At the Lead level, the following default mappings is already set up with Lead standard fields:

Livestorm people attribute Salesforce Lead Field (API name)
first_name First Name (FirstName)
last_name Last Name (LastName)
email Email (Email)
company Company (Company)
job_title Title (Title)
city City (City)
country Country (Country)
phone Phone (Phone)
website Website (Website)

At the Contact level, the following default mapping is used (if the Lead is already converted to a Contact or if you choose to create a new Contact) for standard Contact fields:

Livestorm people attribute Salesforce Contact Field (API name)
first_name First Name (FirstName)
last_name Last Name (LastName)
email Email (Email)
company AccountId (matching an Account Name)
job_title Title (Title)
city MailingCity (City)
country MailingCountry (Country)
phone Phone (Phone)

For Campaign Members, one Salesforce standard Campaign Member field is already set up, and also the "Livestorm Replay Status" custom field (that you need to create via the object manager on Salesforce, if not done already):

Salesforce Campaign Member Field (API name)
People status for the session Status (status)
People replay status for the session Livestorm Replay Status (Livestorm_Replay_Status__c)

Configuring Lead Custom Fields Mapping

If you want to map your Lead data between Livestorm and Salesforce, you can define a custom mapping with any Livestorm attribute linked to a Salesforce Lead field. We propose a wide variety of attributes on the Livestorm side: registration data entered by your registrants (including custom attributes), technical information of the visitor's browser (country deduced from IP address, browser info, UTM, …) and also the attendance data (attendance rate, number of questions, …) specific to the participant during the Livestorm session. You can open the mapping page to have the full list of available attributes.

For the complete overview of our integration with Salesforce, feel free to read our dedicated article. This section shows you how to define the custom mapping of your choice between Livestorm attributes and Salesforce Leads fields.

After your Salesforce integration is enabled, in the settings tab you can find the Attributes mapped section (look for the Edit text and click on it).
You can then see the current Lead fields mapping.
To add a new attribute to map, click on the blue button Map an attribute at the bottom.
Then choose a Livestorm attribute from the drop-down list (you can also start from the right and select a Salesforce Lead field first). Be careful to select compatible types of Livestorm attributes and Salesforce fields: for instance you can’t push an integer from Livestorm into a Salesforce datetime field. To avoid mistakes, non-compatible fields are greyed out.
Click on the blue button at the bottom right of the page to Save changes for your mapping. If you need to remove a mapping already configured, just hover over the row and click on the trash icon on the right.

If you want to always send the same value instead of a value coming from a Livestorm attribute, you can enter a default value. Simply follow these steps:

Add a new mapping row by starting on the right with the Salesforce Lead field and search for a value in the Livestorm column.
Press the button Use {value} as a default value:
Then click on Save at the bottom of the page. The row will indicate “Default value” with a Text type. And you’re all set! The value you have entered will be pushed for any Livestorm event for all the registrants!

Configuring Contact Custom Fields Mapping

You can define a mapping for the Contact object as well, this mapping will be applied when the integration updates an existing Contact or create a new Contact (if you decide to create new Contacts instead of Leads).

You can map a Livestorm attribute (standard or custom) or apply a default value. The process is the same as the one described just above for the Lead object.

Configuring Campaign Member Custom Fields Mapping

If you want to synchronize data at the Campaign Member level it’s also possible! Just repeat the steps described above for the Lead fields. It’s highly recommended to store data “Livestorm session related” at the Campaign Member level, which varies from one Livestorm session to another: such as connection link, UTMs or attendance rate of the session.

Below we show an example with the password key of the registrant mapped to a Campaign Member field:

Click on the map an attribute button.
Select the Livestorm attribute of your choice (use the search tool if needed). Here we use a standard Livestorm attribute called “Messages count” (containing the number of messages sent by the people), but it could be any other custom attribute.
Select the Salesforce Campaign Member field you need. Here we use a custom Campaign Member field already created called “Message Count Livestorm”.
Press the Save changes button. And voilà! You are all set to send Livestorm data to your Salesforce Campaign Member fields.


  • Can I push the Livestorm connection link to a Salesforce custom field?
    • Yes, of course! You can map the Livestorm connection link to any standard or custom field of your choice on your Salesforce account (on the Lead/Contact or Campaign Member object). We strongly recommend though that you map it to a Campaign Member field (otherwise on a Lead field, you might have conflicts if your Lead attends to multiple sessions).
  • When is the data synchronized from Livestorm to Salesforce?
    • The Livestorm attributes are pushed to Salesforce when someone registers to an event, a session this person was registered for has ended and whenever this person watches a replay or an on-demand event.
  • What is the update policy to overwrite or not existing fields’ value?
    • In order to not tamper with your existing data in Salesforce, Livestorm will always only update when the target field is empty. Meaning we will only update your fields in Salesforce if they are not already filled.
  • What’s happening for duplicate Leads/Contacts?
    • In case of duplicate records (same email address) in your Salesforce Leads/Contacts database, our Fields Mapping feature will use the oldest record found corresponding to that email and update it, the other record(s) won’t be updated.
  • Can I synchronize UTMs parameters to Salesforce?
    • Yes, Livestorm natively proposes the 5 UTMs as attributes. Simply map these 5 Livestorm standard attributes to the Salesforce fields where you need the data to be stored.
  • Can I only map fields from a form (i.e. from the registration page)?
    • Not only the form fields! You can also map technical data (such as the browser or the country of the attendee) and attendance/engagement data (such as the number of polls answered or the attendance rate) check here for to discover all the data you can map. This mean you can also use the attributes mapping if you register your contacts from an external website outside of Livestorm.
  • How can I view the data sent from Livestorm into Salesforce?
    • To view data for your Campaign Members, go to the Campaigns section on Salesforce and then reach the campaign you need and click on the Campaign Members at the bottom. You have a default view with some Campaign Members fields. If the fields you wish to review do not appear in your list, you may need to manually add them to your list view or to create a new list view.
  • What happens when a Livestorm or Salesforce field used in the mapping is deleted?
    • If you delete a Livestorm custom attribute or a Salesforce field, Livestorm will remove this field from the mapping before sending data to Salesforce to avoid introducing broken values. You will be asked in the interface of the fields mapping to use a new valid attribute before saving your mapping again.

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