Set Up Your Salesforce Integration

Who can use this feature?Who can use it? Admin, Workspace Owner

Which Pricing Plan?On which plans? Enterprise 

Livestorm Salesforce integration will link your Livestorm workspace with your Salesforce Org.
For the complete overview of our integration with Salesforce with the functional behavior, feel free to read our dedicated article. This article only focus on the installation.

Note: the Salesforce native integration is only available to our Enterprise customers with a paid Add-On.

In this article

Set up your Salesforce

Select a user with the right permissions

The first thing to do is to review the permissions and profile of the Salesforce user you are going to connect to Livestorm. Your user needs to have the following:

  • The profile System Administrator, which has API permissions associated with them. 
  • The user should also have the Marketing User permission checkbox enabled. This is required by Salesforce to read and update Campaigns. You can also create custom Permission Set as explained by Salesforce support here.

Tips: If you want to track precisely any changes done by Livestorm on your Salesforce Org, we recommend you to create a separate user (with all required permissions & API access) as we will be creating new Leads/Contacts or updating the existing records with the connected user’s account.

Attendance status and replay status

For the attendance (i.e. attended versus no-show), good news! You have nothing to do: everything is automatic. Livestorm will update the standard field "Status" of the Campaign Member automatically for each registration and when the session is over.
Also, the correct statuses (see here for more details) will be created on the Campaign upon the Campaign creation by Livestorm. No manual action is required on your side for the attendance.

Furthermore, if you want to capture valuable data about the replay views you will have to create a custom field named "Livestorm Replay Status" on the Campaign Member object.

Go into the "Setup" menu by clicking on the gear on the top right corner of your Salesforce home screen.
Follow the path: Objects and fields > Object Manager > Campaign Member > Fields and relationships > New
Select the data type Picklist and click on Next.
Set the Field Label to "Livestorm Replay Status". Make sure that the API name on your interface is: “Livestorm_Replay_Status” (the API name used by Salesforce will be then at then end "Livestorm_Replay_Status__c" because it's a custom field). If there is any misspelling or typo in the API Name of the field, this won't work.
Select the second option in values, Enter values, with each value separated by a new line and add the following values:
  • Hasn't watched replay (set this value as the default value)
  • Has watched replay
  • Has watched on-demand
Click Next until you get to the last step 4/4 and then click on Save.

Connect and Configure the Livestorm Salesforce Integration

Once your Salesforce is setup, let's see how to configure the Livestorm Salesforce!

Go to the App Marketplace on your Livestorm workspace.
Find the Salesforce V2 card and click on Enable for all team members.
In the dropdown, select if you want to Connect to production or to use a Sandbox.
Allow the Livestorm connected app to access to your Salesforce Org and check the success notification at the bottom left of the screen.
And voilà! Your integration with Salesforce is ready to use!
You have three general settings you can configure:
1) The integration is activated for any new events by default, so you won’t have to enable it for each event. But you can change this settings if we you want by switching off the toggle.
2) The integration will create Leads by default. But we offer you a nice customization to create a new Contact instead, check this article for more details.
3) You can fully customize how the data are synchronized to your Leads, Contacts, Campaign Members with our attributes mapping feature - see the dedicated article to learn more and be an expert of fields mapping!

The Salesforce integration isn't retroactive: people who registered to Livestorm sessions before the integration was activated on your workspace won't be synchronised as Campaign Members into Salesforce. You will need to import them to Salesforce.

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