Configure the Objects Created on Salesforce

Who can use this feature?Who can use it? Admin, Workspace Owner

Which Pricing Plan?On which plans? Enterprise 

Ever wanted to understand and finetune the objects created on your Salesforce Org? You are at the right place: this article will explain to you the different options you have to create objects.

For the complete overview of our integration with Salesforce with the functional behavior, feel free to read our dedicated article

Note: the Salesforce native integration is only available to our Enterprise customers with a paid Add-On.

In this article

Existing records (Leads & Contacts)

When a registrant interacts with a Livestorm session (e.g., registers, attends live, watches a replay), the integration checks your Salesforce database to determine if a record with the same email address already exists. Matching is based solely on the email address.

Livestorm will first search for records in your Contacts and Leads databases. This double research ensures that no duplicate are created in your Salesforce org.

  • If a Contact with the same email address exists, this Contact will be enriched with the fields mapping defined and added as Campaign Member.
  • If not, and if a Lead with the same email address is found, the integration updates the Lead fields (based on the field smapping provided) and associates this existing Lead as Campaign Member with the corresponding Campaign.

Creating new Leads

If no matching Lead is found, the integration then creates a new Lead in Salesforce using the registrant's information from Livestorm (and the fields mapping defined for the Lead object). This is the default behavior of the integration to create new Leads, if using Leads matches with your way of working, you have nothing more to configure and you can skip the next part.

Important: ensure that the Company field is marked as mandatory in your Livestorm registration page, as Salesforce requires this field for Lead creation.

Configuring new Contact creation

You have the option to create new Contacts instead of Leads by enabling this setting in your integration settings:

  • When enabled, if no existing record is found, a new Contact is created in Salesforce using the registrant’s information from Livestorm (and the fields mapping defined for the Contact object).

  • No Leads will be created when this option is active.

Account Association:

  • If the registrant provides a Company (Company standard attribute is then used your registration page), the integration attempts to match the value with an existing Account in Salesforce.

  • If no Account match is found, a new Account is created and linked to the Contact.

  • If the Company attribute is not used left blank, the Contact is created without any associated Account (since Accounts are not required for Contact creation in Salesforce).

Campaigns & Campaign Members


Each Livestorm session triggers the creation of a new Campaign in Salesforce, reflecting the event and session datetime details. This process is fully automated, eliminating the need for manual Campaign creation and saving valuable time.

  • The Campaign Type is set to "Webinar."

  • Only upcoming and on-demand sessions trigger Campaign creation. Past sessions do not create new Campaigns and past registrants are not sync.

Campaign Members

The Campaign Members are automatically added (either as Contact or Lead - see previous parts) and:

  • The live attendance is recorded in the standard Status field of the Campaign Member. All the possible statuses are automatically created on the Campaign statuses.
  • The replay/on-demand attendance is captured in the custom field Livestorm Replay Status (check here how to configure this custom field).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why can't I see the Campaigns associated on my event setup?
    If you see a blank list or a list of sessions with an error message saying "No campaign associated to the session" this means you probably don't have the right permissions on your Salesforce user and then the Campaign can't be created (please review the prerequisites here).
    Also, please ensure that no validation rules in Salesforce are blocking Campaign creation..
  • What happens if both a Lead and a Contact exist with the same email?
    The integration prioritizes the Contact, as it is further along in the funnel.
    So the exiting Contact will be used and added as Campaign Member.
  • What happens if multiple Leads exist with the same email?
    The integration selects the oldest Lead record in Salesforce and adds it as a Campaign Member.
    The same logic applies to multiple matching Contacts.
  • What if required fields for Leads or Contacts are missing during creation?
    If this is a standard field requirement (like the Company for the Lead or the last name for a Contact), the integration applies a fallback value to prevent errors and ensure record creation.

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.