Email Statuses


We display the status of our automatic emails in your dashboard (the invites, reminders, etc.) directly from Livestorm. It will help you know for sure whether your registrants and guest speakers have received your emails. This way, if they haven't received them for some particular reason, you'll know about it for sure!

We display the email statuses for all emails that you include in your Settings > Emails tab  📤 They must however be added to your Settings before the timeframe that they are scheduled to be sent, in order for them to be delivered and show up in the Email Status sidepane.

Invitation Emails

You can display the status of your email invitations right from the Email Invites tab. Just click on the envelope icon to open up the sidepane for more information :

Event Emails

In your People dashboard, you can select the active column for "Email statuses" to see the status of each email that is scheduled for each of your registrants. No more second guessing 🍀

Email Status - what does it mean?

  • Scheduled: Email is scheduled and will be sent at the specified time.
  • Processing: Email has been delivered on Livestorm's end.
  • Delivered: Email has been received by the recipient's email client.
  • Opened: Email has been opened by the recipient.
  • Clicked: The recipient has clicked the button to register for your event.
  • Deferred: The recipient's mail server asked our email vendor to stop sending emails so fast. Our vendor will keep trying to deliver the email for 48 hours.
  • Bounced: When an email has attempted to be delivered, but the recipient's mail server rejects it.
  • Unsubscribed: The recipient has clicked Unsubscribe from one of your email invitations or webinar emails.
  • Dropped: The registrant has previously unsubscribed, so the email was blocked. 
  • Not Sent: The host has started the event before the email was supposed to be sent. 

What to do when an email status shows as Bounced?

  • Please send us ( the email address of the registrant with the Bounced status so we can troubleshoot the cause. Most cases are due to spam filters or email server blocking. 
  • Meanwhile, you can resend them their access link, which will come from your own email client, so they will receive it.

What to do when an email status shows as Unsubscribed?

  • As a result of the GDPR, we cannot resubscribe registrants without their consent.
  • A registrant can click on Manage my email preferences from the footer of any previous email to opt back in to our invites and/or webinar emails themselves. If they have selected Opt out of all emails, they can also opt in themselves from the Manage my email preferences link.


Why doesn't my email show up in the Email Status sidepane?

Emails will only show up in the sidepane if they were properly scheduled and will be delivered. They will only be delivered if they were enabled in your Settings > Emails tab before they were supposed to be sent. 

- For example, our 1h reminder email is scheduled to be sent 1 hour before the start of the webinar. If you remove it from your Settings and add it back only 30 minutes before the start, it will not be sent. 
- The same applies to custom emails, so if you create a custom template to be sent 7 days before the start of the webinar, you need to add it to your Settings more than 7 days before the start date/time of your webinar. If you add it only 5 days before the start, it will not be sent.

Where can I find the status of all my custom email templates?

You will see the email statuses of your custom emails inside the sidepane when you click on the envelope icon in your People dashboard.  

Why wasn't my email sent?

- Have you verified that it was added to your Settings before the timeframe it was supposed to be sent? Please check with your other webinar hosts in case they made some changes to the Settings as well.
- Was the email added to the Settings before the webinar started? Only emails added before the start (and before they should be sent) will be delivered.
- If you answered yes to all of the above, please reach out to us at so we can check our logs for you 🕵🏻♀️

Why didn't my registrant receive my emails?

- Have you asked the registrant to check all of their folders like Spam and Promotion?
- Keep in mind that for registrants with emails from large companies, governmental or educational institutions, if they didn't receive an email, it was unlikely delivered or being blocked due to their firewall or spam filtering system. If many of your registrants come from these domains, you can always resend their access link or use your own tool to send out emails.

Why does the status still show as Processing?

A status of Processing means that the email has been processed and delivered on Livestorm's end, and is waiting to be accepted by the recipient's email server/client. Sometimes their email server may have delays. Once the recipient's email server accepts the email, it will become officially Delivered

Why do emails bounce?

There are several reasons why an email can bounce! For example, it could due to a non-existant email, an undeliverable email (due to an email server misconfiguration), a full mailbox, a vacation/auto-responder, the email server blocking the email, and more. Feel free to check out this article as an example for more details. 

Why is the envelope green but the status is red/unsubscribed?

This is because the email was successfully delivered but dropped as a result of their unsubscribe. 

What does this status mean? Email has been successfully delivered a few minutes ago. It might still be in the server queue.

As you can see, the overall status is Delivered. This message means that the email has been delivered on our end, but it may still be in the recipient's email server queue. The email needs to be accepted in order to be delivered on the recipient's end and sometimes the recipient's email server can encounter delays. The status message is simply the information they are sending us in regards to the email. It may be related to the configuration of their servers. Please keep in mind that when emails are delivered, sometimes it can take longer to actually be received depending on the recipient's email server queue.

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