Use Livestorm Data in HubSpot

For the complete overview of our integration with HubSpot, feel free to read our dedicated article.

After enabling the HubSpot integration on your Livestorm account and running your first live events, you'll start to receive new contacts along with detailed engagement data. This article will explain how to leverage this data to qualify your leads and automate tasks.

In this article

Livestorm's Contact Activity Filter

First, don't forget to activate Livestorm's contact activities (also known as "Timeline events").

To do so, navigate to any contact detail page and select the Livestorm integration's activity category checkbox.

Do not forget to check all the "Create a new contact activity" boxes in your Livestorm app settings. If they are not ticked, these contact activities won’t be created, and your list filters won’t work. 

Use Lists to Leverage Your Livestorm's Data

Here are a few examples of list criteria — whether static or dynamic — to segment the contacts that engaged with your Livestorm events.

Warning: The “Occurred” filter parameter refers to the date the “Contact activity” is created, not the date of the event. They can be the same (e.g., the contact registered the same day as the event), but, in most cases, they are not.

Create a List of Registrants

To list all your contacts who registered to an event:

Select the " Livestorm: attendee registered" activity filter.
Select " Event link" (if you want to filter by a specific event) and copy-paste the link from any contact activity.
Select " Session date" (if you want to filter by a specific session for this event) and copy-paste the date from a contact activity. Important: make sure to select the "Contains any of" search parameter.

Create a List of Attendees

To list all your contacts who attended an event:

Select the " Livestorm: event ended" activity filter.
Select " Event link" (if you want to filter by a specific event) and copy-paste the link from any contact activity.
Select " Session date" (if you want to filter by a specific session for this event) and copy-paste the date from a contact activity. Important: make sure to select the "Contains any of" search parameter.

Create a List of Contacts Who Watched a Replay

To list all your contacts who watched an event replay:

Select the " Livestorm: watch replay" activity filter.
Select " Event link" (if you want to filter by a specific event) and copy-paste the link from any contact activity.
If you want to specify a date, you can use " Occurred" as the contact activity is created on the same date the contact watched the replay.

Create a List of Contacts Who Watched On-demand Events

To list all your contacts who watched on-demand events:

Select "Livestorm: watch replay on-demand" activity filter.
Select "Event link" (if you want to filter by a specific event) and copy-paste the link from any contact activity.
If you want to specify a date you can use "Occurred" as the contact activity is created on the same date as the contact watched the on-demand event.

What are the differences between “Watch replay” and “Watch on-demand”? A replay is the recording of a regular event that was live on Livestorm. The contact registered to this event, attended or not, and then received a link to watch the replay. An on-demand event is a video file you uploaded to Livestorm, and contacts register to watch it.

Create a List of Contacts Who Registered but Didn’t Attend

You simply use the "List membership" filtering tool and exclude all the attendees from the registrants' list.

Livestorm Attendees Who Watched ≥ 90% of an Event

Choose the "Livestorm: Event ended" filter type and select an attendance rate value greater than 90.

Filter Contacts That Came From Livestorm

As indicated under, Livestorm's HubSpot integration ID is 60822. When filtering your contacts, choose the "Original source drill-down 2" contact field and paste this ID. Only the contacts created from the integration will be displayed.

Bear in mind that the "Original Source Drill-Down 2" and "Latest Source Drill-Down 2" fields are only updated by our connector when the contact was actually created from scratch by the Livestorm integration. If the contact was created through another source than Livestorm (HubSpot form, your CRM, manually...) then those fields won't be updated by our connector, even if the Livestorm application has created new timeline events on the contact timeline or updated some contact properties (see our custom field mapping dedicated article for more information). This is due to a HubSpot restriction on external apps, so we don't have any way to modify it at the moment.

Learn More

You can read our article about how to Register to a Livestorm Event From a Hubspot Form.

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.