Manage Team Members on Your Account (pricing per admin)

Who can use this feature?

Who can use it? Workspace Owner, Admin, Member

Which Pricing Plan?On which plans? All plans before June 13, 2022

You can add team members to your Livestorm account at any time. When you add a team member, you have the choice between the role of admin or member.

Our pricing is per admin and nominative. Each additional admin incurs an add-on fee.

Members are free and unlimited! You may add as many as you need. 👌


Manage Your Admins

Each paid subscription includes one admin. You can have multiple admins under one Livestorm account and run as many simultaneous events as you have admins. For example, if there are 3 admins under your account, you will be able to host 3 events at the same time.

Our pricing is per admin and nominative. Each additional admin incurs an add-on fee.

When you add a team member as an admin to your workspace, you must check the box acknowledging there will be an additional charge to your subscription.

The admins are the only ones who can start, moderate, and end each event/session (if assigned to the event/session).

The admins have full dashboard access. Indeed, they can:

  • Create and edit events
  • Send out event invitations
  • Delete registrants

You can read more details about the rights of an admin in our dedicated article on the difference between roles.

Manage Your Team Members

You can add as many members as you need. There's no extra charge when adding a member.

Members can access the dashboard, just like admins. Indeed, they can view and export all event data.

Members cannot create, edit, start or end events. They won't be able to access the event settings and won't be able to send out event invitations.

If they are assigned to an event or a session, they'll be able to access the event room and moderate your event/session.

You can read more details about the rights of an admin in our dedicated article on the difference between roles.

Add Team Members

Now that you know how to add team members, you can start adding admins and members to your workspace. 🎉

Add a Team Member to the Workspace

We're going to show you step by step how to add team members to your Livestorm account.

Go to your Account Settings.

Select Team members under the Workspace section.

Click on Invite a new team member.

Enter the email address of your team member.

Choose between the Admin and Member role.
If you are adding an admin, confirm your acknowledgement that you will receive an immediate prorated invoice for the cost and that this recurring amount will be added to your subscription starting at your next invoice.

Click on Send invite.

The team member needs to accept the invitation to create an account.

After creating the account, the team member will be automatically added to your workspace.

Once your team members have been added to your workspace, you can then assign them to your events or sessions.

You must assign your team members to each event or session that they need event room access to.

Change a Team Member's Role

Only admins or workspace owners can edit team member roles!

If you would like to change a team member's role, you can do so from your account settings.

Go to the Team Members section of your account settings.

Hover over the profile of the team member whose role you want to change and click on Edit.

Choose their new role from the window that appears. Click on Save changes.

Your team member's role is now updated! 🎉

Assign Team Members to an Event

Once your team members have been added to your workspace, you can then assign them to your events or sessions.

You must assign your team members to each event or session that they need event room access to.

Click on an event from the dashboard.
Choose the session that you want to assign them to. Click on Edit to modify the settings of the session.
Click on Add a Team Member under the Team Members section.
Choose the desired team member(s) from the drop-down menu.
Click on Save updates button in the lower right-hand corner.
Your newly assigned team member(s) will now appear in the Team Members section of that session and will also be assigned to that event in the Events dashboard.

Remove Team Members

You can make any changes to the team members in your workspace or those assigned to a specific event at any time.

Delete a Team Member From the Workspace

Neither admins nor members can delete a team member from the workspace. Only workspace owners can do this!

As your workspace develops, you may want to delete old team members or make room for other team members. To do so:

Go to the Team Members section under your account settings.
Choose the team member that you would like to delete. Hover over their profile and click on Edit.
A window will appear to the right. You can edit their role or click on Delete team member.
Confirm that you want to delete the team member by clicking Delete team member again.
Type the team member's name to officially confirm that you are sure you want to delete them. Click on Confirm deletion.
Your team member has now been deleted from your workspace.

If you delete an admin from your workspace, your billing will be adjusted for the next cycle.

Remove a Team Member From an Event

Removing a team member from an event will not delete them from the workspace.

You can also remove a team member from any event that they are assigned to.

Go to the sessions section of the event's settings.
Hover over the session that they are assigned to and click on Edit.
A window will appear to the right. Under the Team members section, click on the circle to the left of the team member you want to remove.
Confirm that you want to remove this team member.
Click on Save updates.
Your team member is now removed from this session of the event.

Now that you know how to manage your team members, you can start adding admins and members to your workspace. 🎉

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.