Manage Your Disabled Webhooks

Livestorm provides a way to developers to be notifed about changes or updates thanks to webhooks. In some cases, the webhook subscriptions you have configured are not working properly anymore: Livestorm must therefore disable them.

This article explains when webhooks are automatically disabled and how to re-create them.
For the complete overview of our webhooks, feel free to read our dedicated article.

In this article

Understand the automatic webhook deactivation

Currently, webhooks are disabled automatically under two scenarios:

1. SSL Errors

When Livestorm encounters an SSL error while attempting to call the webhook after a trigger (e.g. session starts, session ends, or a people registers). An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) errors occur when there are issues with the SSL certificate on the server (the target URL you have provided in the webhook settings) where the webhook payload is being sent.

Common SSL errors include:

  • The SSL certificate has passed its expiration date.
  • The SSL certificate is not issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
  • The SSL certificate is not valid for the domain to which the request is being sent.
  • The SSL certificate is self-signed and not issued by a trusted CA.

What are the corresponding HTTP error codes?
This is a connection failure, no specific HTTP status code.

How can you fix?

  • Ensure that the SSL certificate is renewed before it expires.
  • Obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority.
  • Ensure that the SSL certificate's Common Name (CN) or Subject Alternative Name (SAN) matches the domain name of the webhook URL.

2. URL Unreachable

When the configured URL cannot be reached. An URL is considered unreachable when the webhook URL you have provided to Livestorm cannot be accessed. This can happen due to various reasons such as network issues, server downtime, incorrect URL configuration, or firewall restrictions.

Common causes for a URL being unreachable include:

  • The server hosting the webhook is down or undergoing maintenance.
  • There are network connectivity issues between Livestorm and the server receiving the webhook.
  • The webhook URL is incorrectly configured, pointing to a non-existent endpoint.
  • Firewalls or security settings block the incoming requests from Livestorm's servers.

What are the corresponding HTTP error codes?
404, 403, 400, 500, 502, 503, 504, DNS resolution failures, network timeouts.

How can you fix?

  • Ensure that the server hosting the webhook is up and running. Check for any maintenance or downtime announcements.
  • Ensure there are no network issues preventing Livestorm from reaching the webhook URL. This can include DNS issues or routing problems.
  • Double-check the webhook URL configuration to ensure it is correct and points to the intended endpoint.
  • Adjust firewall and security settings to allow incoming requests from Livestorm's IP addresses. Ensure that the server can accept requests from external sources.

Email received

In both cases, an email (example below) is sent to inform you that the webhook has been disabled, and the webhook gets removed from your webhooks list.

How to re-enable your webhook?

You can re-enable a webhook by re-adding a new webhook subscription if an SSL certificate expires or a URL becomes unreachable. Follow the appropriate scenario below based on the type of webhook that has been disabled.

There are two types of webhooks at Livestorm (bear in mind that the payload is different for each type, so be sure of the type of webhook you have used):
- Dashboard webhooks (that you can activate in the Apps Marketplace)
- Public APIs webhooks (that you should activate with an API call as explained in our developer portal)

Use Case 1: Dashboard Webhooks

Once the webhook is deactived (email received - see above), it will be removed from the list of active webhooks in your Webhooks app. You have to re-create a new one by following those steps:

Navigate to your Livestorm account.
Go to Apps > App Marketplace > Webhooks.
Select the right trigger for the webhook you need to re-create.
Enter the new working URL for receiving the webhook.
Click on the "Add webhook" blue button

Use Case 2: Public APIs Webhooks

Once the webhook is deactived (email received - see above), it will be removed from the list of active webhooks (you can retrieve this list with an API call). You have to re-create a new one by following those steps:

Visit our APIs reference guide.
Create a new webhook with a new working URL by using the Create Webhook endpoint.

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