Available Languages

Are you organizing events with participants from all over the world? Livestorm will make your job easier by translating for you all the information you need to make your event run smoothly. Moreover, you also have the choice to change the language of your dashboard.

In this article

Available Languages for Your Events

We translate everything that is visible to your registrants and attendees:

  • Landing page
  • Event room
  • Notification emails

Livestorm is currently available in these 24 languages

🇺🇸 English 🇩🇰 Dansk (Danish) 🇨🇿 čeština (Czech)
🇫🇷 Français (French) 🇳🇱 Nederlands (Dutch) 🇹🇷 Türkçe (Turkish)
🇩🇪 Deutsch (German) 🇵🇱 Polski (Polish) 🇫🇮 Suomi (Finnish)
🇭🇷 Hrvatski jezik (Croatian)  🇷🇺 русский (Russian) 🇸🇮 Slovenski (Slovenian)
🇸🇦 عربى (Arabic) 🇸🇪 Svenska (Swedish) 🇯🇵 日本の (Japanese)
🇪🇸 Español (Spanish) 🇳🇴 Norsk Bokmål (Norwegian) 🇻🇳 Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
🇧🇷 Português-Brasil (Portuguese) 🇮🇹 Italiano (Italian) 🇬🇷 ελληνικά (Greek)
🇰🇷 한국인 (Korean) 🇱🇹 Lietuvos (Lithuanian) 🇨🇳 中国人 (Chinese)

To select the language, go to your Event Settings > General Settings > Language.

Do you need another language? Feel free to get in touch with us at help@livestorm.co.

If you wish to help us with the translation in a language that's isn't currently available, we'll give you a Livestorm discount to thank you. 😉

Available Languages for Your Dashboard

Your Livestorm dashboard is available in 2 languages:

  • English
  • French

To toggle the language of your dashboard, go to your Account Settings > My Settings > Language (and refresh your page if the language doesn't switch immediately).

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.