
Customize the Design of Your Registration Page & Emails

It's very easy to add some custom branding to your Registration page and Emails


Design Settings & Preview Mode

In order to do this scroll to the Design section in your Event settings. These settings will be applied to both the Registration page and Emails.

Thanks to our preview mode, you'll be able to see the changes that you make on your Registration page directly.

To view your Registration page, click on the Registration page link at the top right corner of your dashboard. You can choose between the Detailed page or the Light page.

You can switch from one view to the other on the same page.

Customize the Detailed Registration Page

The Detailed Registration page is ideal for webinars or virtual events.

You can customize all the following properties:

  • The main background color.
  • The background and text color of your buttons.
  • The overall text color.
  • The logo of your company. The optimal size for the logo is 120x120 pixels. If you don't add a custom event logo, we'll grab the one from your account information (120x120 pixels).
  • The cover image. The ideal size for the cover image is 1600x600 pixels.
  • There's a filter on the cover image due to our image processor. It converts to black and white first, then a secondary color is added as a layer on it. For now, it's not possible to bypass this (unless you use your own landing page for more branding).

Customize the Light Registration Page

The Light Registration page is ideal for meetings or if you like to keep it simple and quick to register.

You can customize the following properties:

  • The main background color.
  • The background and text color of your buttons.
  • The overall text color.

Integrations aren't compatible with the Light Registration page at the moment.

You can use your own landing page to register your event attendees to have complete control over your branding. Feel free to check out our dedicated article " How to use your own landing page?" for more information 🙌

If you'd like to edit your event Emails or create templates from scratch, please check out our article: Customize & Edit My Event Emails

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During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.