Migrate Your Zaps from Livestorm v2 to v3

In May 2024, we’ve released a new version (v3) of our Zapier integration with many improvements 🎉. Any new Zaps created after this date will use the new version. However, your existing Zaps will continue using the old version until you manually update them.

All your old Zaps still work at the moment but you will have to migrate them from our Livestorm v2 to v3 by the end of September 2024.
After the end of September 2024, your old Zaps won't work anymore if you haven't migrated them from Livestorm v2 to v3. In order to migrate your Zaps, you need to change the information that implies Livestorm data and which is used in the Trigger and in the Action of your Zap.


Who needs to update?

If you connected your Livestorm account to Zapier after June 2024, chances are that you are already using the latest version of the Zapier integration, and this help doc does not apply to you. If you have any issues with your Zaps, you can send an email to help@livestorm.co.

Any users that are using a previous version of our Zapier integration (i.e., if you connected your Livestorm account to Zapier before May 2024) will need to update to the latest version manually. There's nothing complicated and we're going to show you how to do it step by step. You can also contact our support team if you have any questions. They will be very happy to help you. 😀

Still not sure if you need to update or not? Check one of your Zaps! Open a Zap containing an Livestorm trigger or action in the Zap editor, click on the Livestorm trigger or action step of the Zap, and you should see a button in the editor panel prompting you to update. Read on below for more detailed steps.

What is new in this new version?

In this new version, we have added two great triggers:
- Registrant watched replay: to be notified when someone watches a replay or an on-demand event.
- Session Created: to be notified each time a new session is created for an event.

You will also enjoy one new trigger: Find People to retrieve participants or team members of your session.

⚠️ The trigger Session Created is replacing Event Published in this new version. Read on below for more detailed steps about the transition. Why? Livestorm relies now mainly on sessions and the former trigger Event Published was only proposing data about the first session of the event which was too limited for many users who use multiple sessions per event.

Furthermore, have removed some duplicate data fields in all zaps, previously we had duplicate fields of Event ID and Session ID, we have kept only one of each ID, and renamed the fields to make it easier to understand and not mistmatch between all the ID.

Why do I need to manually update my Zaps?

More often, users can be migrated automatically behind the scenes from one Zapier integration version to the next, and their Zaps transition seamlessly and continue to work without a problem. For this new version, we’ve had to introduce some breaking changes to the existing integration. And for breaking changes, Zapier recommends that we allow users to update manually so they can test that the trigger or action still behaves as expected.

The breaking change concerns mainly the change about the Event Published trigger replaced by  the trigger Session Created.

For future updates, our goal is not to introduce more breaking changes to our Zapier integration, so next time you should not need to manually update your Zapier integration.

Steps to Migrate to Zapier v3

This guide will walk you through the steps that you need to take to manually update your Zaps to the new version of the integration. You will need to follow these steps for each Zap that contains an Livestorm trigger or action.

  1. Go to your list of zaps and search for Livestorm to show a list of all of your Zaps that have an Livestorm trigger or action.
  2. From the Zaps list, click on the Zap to open it in the Zap editor, and click at the top right on Edit Zap.
    Then click on the Livestorm step. You should see a callout box in the editor asking you to update.

  3. For each step that needs to be updated, click on the trigger or action, click Update in the App & Event section, and then click Confirm update.
  4. Depending on the trigger or action that is being updated, you may have one of the following options:
    • The equivalent trigger or action in the new version may be pre-selected. You may need to manually select the trigger or action from the dropdown menu.
  5. Once you have selected the correct trigger or action, click Continue and then select your account connection in the Account section. Please note that you may have to reconnect your Livestorm account.
    • In either case, it’s probably a good idea to click the three dots on the right-hand side of the connection and click Test connection or Reconnect to verify that your Livestorm account is still connected and the connection is working as intended
    • If you run into any issues at this step, it should probably be as simple as disconnecting your Livestorm account and reconnecting it. Please reach out to our support team if you run into any issues with this
  6. In the Trigger or Action section, verify that your fields are set up/configured as expected. You may need to replace some of the fields if there were changes to those fields with the new version. Please reach out to our support team if you run into any issues with this or if an input field or output property that you expect/need is not present.
  7. In the Test section, re-test your trigger or action. Please do not skip this step, as it should let you know if you run into any errors before putting the updated Zap live. It’s also a good idea to test any subsequent actions within the Zap to ensure that there are no downstream effects to the changes!
  8. If everything is working as expected, click Publish in the top right-hand corner to save your changes and to turn your updated Zap on!

Zapier also has a great help doc that walks you through the Update process in more detail. The “Assisted update” section is the one to reference. Update to the latest app version in Zaps - Assisted Update

Migrate the Event Published Trigger to Session Created

Since the trigger Event Published disappears in this new version, if you used to use it we help you to understand how to migrate to the new trigger replacing it. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to migrate a Zap that sends an email upon the creation of an event or a session. While your specific Zap configuration or connected apps may differ, the fundamental process remains consistent.

In the below steps, we are using the "Session Created" trigger to notify us when an event or session is created. This change is necessary as the "Event Published" is deprecated and replaced by the Session Created" Trigger.

Copy your Zap to migrate it to Livestorm v3.

Take a look at the current configuration and keep it in mind.
Change the Trigger app with the new Livestorm available version and set the Trigger Event to Session Created.
Choose your Livestorm account (or + Connect a new account).
Test your Trigger and note any fields that might have changed which you were using in your previous zap of the Event Published Trigger and needs to be modified accordingly in the Session Created Trigger zap.
Set up the Trigger according to your previous configuration. Note: the Event Published Event is triggered when an event is published after it’s created, however, the newly added Trigger “Session Created” is triggered whenever a session is created or an event is created.
    Set up the Action to match the previous one, and beware of any fields you were using in your previous zap that might no longer exist in the Session Created Trigger.
    Rename your old Zap and turn it off.
    Rename your new Zap and turn it on.
    Your Zap is good to go now! 🎉

    Details of the changes in Zapier v3

    Triggers in Zapier v3

    Zapier Trigger


    Returned Object(s) by the Trigger

    New Registrant

    - Better naming with prefixes for each object (e.g: ID becomes People ID).

    - The event ID or Session ID is only repeated one time.

    - Registration fields in the event object have been removed to lighten the payload.


    Event Published


    Session Started

    - Better naming with prefixes for each object (e.g: ID becomes People ID).

    - The event ID or Session ID is only repeated one time.


    Session Ended (People Included)

    - The name of the trigger changed to better indicate the people data are returned.

    - Better naming with prefixes for each object (e.g: ID becomes People ID).

    - The event ID or Session ID is only repeated one time.


    Registrant Attended

    - Better naming with prefixes for each object (e.g: ID becomes People ID).

    - The event ID or Session ID is only repeated one time.

    - Registration fields in the event object have been removed to lighten the payload.


    Registrant Didn’t Attend

    - Better naming with prefixes for each object (e.g: ID becomes People ID).

    - The event ID or Session ID is only repeated one time.

    - Registration fields in the event object have been removed to lighten the payload.


    Session Created

    New trigger added!


    Registrant Watched Replay

    New trigger added!


    Actions in Zapier v3

    Zapier Action Changes
    Returned Objects by the Action
    Create Registrant No changes People
    Create Event No changes Event
    Create Session No changes Session, People
    Update Session No changes Session, People
    Update Event No changes Event, Session
    Remove Session No changes -
    Remove Event No changes -
    Remove Registrant No changes -
    Find People New action added! People
    Find Session No changes Session, Event

    Join our On-Demand Product Training

    During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.