Get Your Event & Event Session ID

You might need your event ID or session ID for several purposes, such as connecting your Hubspot registration form to a Livestorm event, registering participants from a Marketo form, or using it for your triggers in Zapier. You could also need it for the Livestorm API to register people to a specific session. You can get both IDs directly from your dashboard and then paste them where you need to.

To get your event ID, go to your event dashboard, just click on the ··· when hovering over your event and click on Copy Event ID on the dropdown menu.

To get your event session ID, from your event dashboard click on the event and then on the ··· when hovering over the event session. You can then click Copy Session ID on the dropdown menu.

Livestorm Tip 👉 If you're already in your room, you can get the session ID from the URL of your event's room: "?s= XXXX". It's the part which is between the "=" and the "#".

Join our On-Demand Product Training

During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.