Track Your Registrations Within Meta Events Manager

Meta Events Manager is a tool that enables you to view and manage your event data. In Events Manager, you can set up, monitor and troubleshoot issues with your integrations such as the Conversions API, Meta Pixel and Facebook SDK for iOS and Android. You can also use Events Manager to compare activity across your business’s sources over time and create audiences.

For instance, you can use the Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel) to track your Livestorm event registrations in Meta Events Manager. This article explains how to create the pixel code in Events Manager and how to add it to your Livestorm registration pages.

Events Manager is a free tool that doesn't require any subscription, however bear in mind that you can only create one pixel per account.


Create a New Data Source

In the left menu of your Events Manager account, click on the green circle with a "+" sign in it:Connect Data Sources.

Within the “Connect a New Data Source” screen, check the box on the top right of the “Web” data source option, then click on:Connect.

Give a name to your pixel, for instance “Livestorm Registration Pages”, and click on Create Pixel.

In the field to enter the website URL, write: “”. In this step, Meta wants to check whether your website is using a partner technology, like Shopify or Wordpress for instance. Click on Check and then click onNext.

Feel free to select the Conversions API along with the Meta Pixel, or the Meta Pixel only, that’s totally up to you. In this article, we focus on the tracking pixel-only use case. Then click on Next.

In the next screen, click on the option to install the code manually. You will now be taken to the Events Manager Onboarding page to guide you through the step-by-step process of adding the code to your web page.

Insert The Meta Pixel Code In Your Livestorm Registration Pages

You will now have to copy the pixel code given by Meta and insert it into the source code of your Livestorm registration page. Thankfully we have already done the hard work so you can simply add this code into our custom code modal and it will be applied to all of your Livestorm registration pages.

Our Custom code integration is available to customers with a yearly Premium subscription, monthly Premium subscription (if subscribed for at least 3 months), and customers on Managed Billing.

After clicking on the option to install the code manually, you are taken to the events manager onboarding page. Click on Copy Code to copy the Meta Pixel code.

Go to your Livestorm account, click on the Apps tab in the black banner on the left and click on the Custom Code card in the App Marketplace.

You are now taken to the Custom Code modal. Paste the code copied from Events Manager directly into the window, as shown in the screenshot below. Make sure that you have at least selected “Registration pages” under “Pages where the integration is enabled” and you can also select "Company page" if you want to track visits and clicks on your Livestorm company page.
We recommend that you automatically enable the integration on future events. Make sure that the green toggle on the right of “Custom Code” is enabled, then click on Save Updates.

Furthermore, Meta pixel allows for custom triggers to be set up using JavaScript as described in their documentation.

In order to do this, you could for instance add a custom code to your registration page triggering an event on registration success.

livestorm.on('registration-success', function () {
  // Tracking code

Simply replace the "// Tracking code" element with the tracking call of your choice.

For instance, if you want to track a lead, you could add the following code:

livestorm.on('registration-success', function () {
  fbq('track', 'Lead', {event_name: window.event_type.title});

Or you could also use a custom event just like in the following code:

livestorm.on('registration-success', function () {
  fbq('trackCustom', 'Registration', {event_name: window.event_type.title});

Set Up Your Tracking Events

Go back to the Events Manager Onboarding page and click on Continue. Then decide whether you would like to enable Automatic Advanced Matching or not, that’s entirely up to you (more information on this feature in this dedicated article). On the next page, click on Open Event Setup. Simply paste the URL of your registration page to allow for the tool to find events to be tracked in Events Manager, then click on Open Website.

The tool opens your registration page and you will see an assistant on the left of your screen. Click on Track New Button.

You can then select any button of your choice on the page and the assistant will show you a few different event types to choose from. That's totally up to you, but you may want to use the "Lead" one for the registration event.

Here are the most frequent use cases:

  • If you want to track people who visit your registration page, then you're all set since the pixel code inserted in the Livestorm registration pages already tracks page visits by default.
  • If you want to track people who started the registration process, you can click on the Register now button. This will send an event back into Events Manager every time a visitor clicks on this button and is exposed to the registration form as a result.

  • If you want to track the people who actually registered to the event, you can click on the Receive access link button located in the registration form. An event will be sent back into Events Manager every time a person submits the registration form.

  • You can also track all of the above, with a different event type for each button, to get a holistic view of the visitors' journey on your Livestorm registration pages.

Livestorm Tip 👉 We recommend tracking at least the Receive access link button in the registration form to track all form submissions (new registrants to your Livestorm event).

Livestorm Tip 👉 You can also track visits and clicks in your Livestorm company page, following the same tracking button setup process. In that case, make sure that you have selected "Company page" under "Pages where the integration is enabled" in your Livestorm Custom Code modal.

The assistant now asks if you want to assign a value to the event. Feel free to assign a specific value or not, that's up to you: for instance if you run paid events, you may want to assign the ticket price as the value here. Then click on Confirm.

You're all set! The events will start flowing back into your Events Manager account for this pixel. You can add new events at any point in time using the Event Setup tool. For more information, please refer to the Meta Events Manager support documentation.

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During this 1h-training session, we will cover everything you need to know to manage your online event, from the event creation to hosting them live, and analyzing your participation data afterwards.